Sunday, June 10, 2012

About Our Company

What are Beeswax Infused Sandwich Wraps, and What Makes Them Unique?

I would like to start out by saying, there are few things that I dislike more than 'throwing away' money and using landfill loving plastics.So I began to think of ways that I could reduce my footprint even more (along side cloth diapering, using stainless steel water bottles, composting, etc.). I found a variety of work at home mom (WAHM) made products made out of just cotton, PUL (polyurethane laminate), ripstop nylon and oilcloth. At first I had thought that I had struck gold! Then I began to think about these products individually and realized a few things: A. I am looking for sandwich wraps/bags to eliminate plastics and chemicals for my life, wouldn't using any of the above negate that? B. I am looking for sandwich wraps/bags in order to lead a healthier chemical/plastic free (or minimal!) lifestyle, wouldn't using any of the above also negate that?

So I decided that I would try to make my own homemade sandwich wraps! This proved to be challenging as just plain cotton would get jelly/mayo all over the inside and my sandwich would be all crusty by the time lunch came. So I looked into making my own oilcloth, that process involves linseed oil, and I wasn't too thrilled with that either. So finally I settled on beeswax! Beeswax is naturally antimicrobial and antiviral! I also loved that I could support local beekeepers by buying my Pure Beeswax from them! I found a lovely family farm in Illinois where I get my beeswax from. I then decided I wanted my wraps to be designed a little differently than all the other wraps that I had seen on the market. I was able to give them a unique look by adding an outside layer of 100% Cotton in a designer print.

I also am the co-owner of a T-shirt business that I am blessed to run with my father. I wanted a way that I could incorperate the printing business with my new found wrap business. What I decided on was to add a lay-flat condiment pocket on the outside of the wrap and to print designs on the pocket for an added piece of flare. I love love love monogramming, I think it just takes anything to the next level, so I decided to offer personalization of monogramming on the pockets. Along with monogramming I also thought it would be fun to offer special pictures or sayings that pertain to you or your child(ren). Currently, our customers have chosen to personalize with pictures of their family pet(s), names, pictures they have drawn and company logos (though the ideas are endless!). I use hook and loop as the closure and TA-DA a beautiful, reusable, natural product to house your sandwiches!

These wonderful wraps are a wondering surface for you and your whole family to eat on at lunch time as well. We sometimes don't think twice before putting our sandwich directly on the table at school or work and what we don't see is all the bacteria and yuckies on the table! The simple solution is to wrap your sandwich up in a beeswax wrap and at lunch simply unfold the wrap and you have a clean, healthy surface to enjoy your lunch on!

1 comment:

  1. Making candles is often a craft the whole family also can enjoy. Even young kids might get in across the fun making beeswax candle lights. There's two various kinds of beeswax food wraps. One type really is simple to generate, and does not require any heat, rendering it safe for young children. Another will be the classical method.
